Eagles Place First, Ziarko Is HOA

Cameron Ziarko was the HOA winner at the shoot in Lonoke.

Clarksville, Ark.- The University of the Ozarks women's and men's clay target team won first and third at the Arkansas Collegiate Shooting Series in Lonoke February 25. 

The Eagles' squad two posted a team score of 1251 to win the event. Squad one scored 1221. Squad two consisted of Cameron Ziarko, Ethan Spillers, Coleman Wheeler, Wyatt McCaghren and Ethan Fleming. Ziarko won the HOA with a score of 279. McCaghren placed second in HOA with 278.

In trap 16's, Wyatt McCagrhren placed third overall with a score 97. Squad two won doubles with 398. Ziarko placed third with 90 points in doubles. Squad one won the sporting clays with 412. Ziarko placed second with 92.

In lady's 16, Kinley Coz placed fifth with 83 points. Karlee McCaghren placed fourth in lady doubles with 74. Cox was second in lady sporting with 81. In lady HOA, Cox was fourth with a score of 226.
The Eagles will compete in the Arkansas Collegiate Championships in North Little Rock March 11-12.

Team Results:
Univ of the Ozarks Squad 2-1251
SAU 1-1235
Univ of the Ozarks Squad 1-1221
Oklahoma State 1-1177
Univ of Arkansas Squad 1-1157
SAU 2-1130
National Park College Squad-1-983
Oklahoma State 2-871
Oklahoma State-353
Univ of the Ozarks Squad 3-453
Univ of Arkansas Squad 2-234
Cossatot/UK Squad 1-NA