France Day Two - Exploring Lyon

Screen printing in Lyon, France.

Hi everyone, my name is Hope Hensley, and I will be your tour guide from the other side of the world as the women's and men's soccer team travels thoughout France. Our plan is to post something every day about our journey...follow along here - Merci!

Day Two - Exporing Lyon

Today we were split into three groups for our exploration day, and overall, it was a fun day to experience. My group started the day with a walk to the train station to go to our first destination, which was a screen-printing workshop. Sophomore Hunter Robert said "getting to learn the history of screen printing was really cool, and then actually getting to do my own bag was fun."  

After lunch, we had a guided tour of Lyon. It was very enlightening to learn the history of Lyon and get to see all the buildings that were built in different time periods and how they still look the same today. We also did some exploring of our own throughout the city.  

Once we got back to the hostel, we had dinner and then started getting ready for practice. We practiced at a local team's facility, and we even got to play with some locals. 

Stay tuned for more Ozarks adventures as we continue on this journey. 

Follow more of our trip and see additional pictures on our athletic Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts.