Tyler, Texas-The Eagles advanced to the American Southwest Conference Tournament semi-finals with a 5-1 win over Mary Hardin-Baylor Friday afternoon in Tyler, Texas.
Ozarks (12-4) won all three doubles matches to begin the day. Todd Turner and Bishop Bass won 8-3 at No. 1 doubles, while Corey Dillard and Tyler Keel secured a 8-4 win at No. 2. Michael Skimbo and Greg Knaggs won 8-4 at No. 3 doubles. Corey Dillard won at No. 4 singles (6-4, 6-0) and Tyler Keep eventually won his match, 6-4, 6-2, to push the Eagles into the final four teams of the tournament.
"I am very happy with how we came out focused in doubles play," said head coach Shaun Wiseman. "We took the fight to them today and got momentum on our side at the beginning of the match. That allowed us to roll. The goal now is to maintain that focus and momentum for tomorrow's match against UT-Dallas. We believe we can win tomorrow and plan on giving it our best shot."
Video Highlights: http://youtu.be/QJZA3Virj8k
Ozarks will face UT-Dallas tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. in the semi-finals.