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Sydney Key Fulfills Mission Trip To Guatemala

Sydney Key with a young Guatemala boy.
Sydney Key with a young Guatemala boy.

Clarksville, Ark.-Helping people comes natural to University of the Ozarks freshman softball player Sydney Key. Key is known around campus for her willingness to help others and her infectious personality. In the spirit of assisting others, Key spent five days last month on a mission trip in Guatemala.

Key was accompanied by her mother, Jessica Key, and others from The Journey, a local church with campuses in Clarksville, Dardanelle and Russellville. As part of the group of 25, she assisted with medical missions to rural areas of the country. The team members also assisted with construction projects at the Shadow of His Wings Orphanage in Monjas.

"We would do medical missions in the villages outside of the city," she said. "We also had prayer stations in the villages. We stayed at the orphanage and ate there and played with the kids at night."

On the medical missions, the team members would assist the doctors with various tasks and provide food to the villagers. Key's favorite part of the trip were the reactions of the children upon receiving gifts.

"My favorite part of the trip was when we gave them soccer balls," she said. "Their faces lit up. These kids have nothing, so it was awesome to help out. It was wonderful to see how happy they were. They are thrilled to have things we take for granted."

Following her trip to Guatemala, Key has a new perspective on life in the United States.

"It is definitely different from how we live," she said. "We are so privileged here. They don't have a lot. They barely have ways to eat. We can eat anytime we want."
Key also remembers the gratitude the children and parents displayed.

"They were really excited to have the soccer balls and footballs we brought them," she said. "The parents and kids were very appreciative of everything."  

While it was her second time to render service in Guatemala, Key hopes to serve other missions in the future.

"I want to go as many times as I can."

The Journey's Video of the trip: